Monday, October 12, 2009

Breaking News: Barack Hussein Obama to Get Nobel Prize for Astronomy

In an unexpected move, the Nobel Awards Committee has voted to create a Nobel Prize for Astronomy. First recipient of the new prize will be Barack Hussein Obama, for his discovery that objects in the night sky looked at through a telescope "are pretty far away." Congratulations, Barack Obama.

Obama may have been able to sell a publisher on the idea of his memoirs, but I don't think we ever have to worry about suffering through a book titled The Collected Wit and Wisdom of Barack Hussein Obama. If Obama is intelligent, and he was certainly sold to us as a brainiac during the campaign, then I'm having trouble seeing it. Most intelligent people have a good sense of humor, they display a quick wit, something I've never seen evidence of in this guy. He seems to be a dolt. Where am I wrong?

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