Saturday, December 19, 2009

Copenhagen Cleanup

I am SO DONE with Copenhagen, but I thought this last headline was worthwhile. It comes from the Fox White House Press Blog, contributing editor Major Garrett: "Copenhagen Climate Conference Ends With Whimper, No Legally Binding Pact, No Commitment to Pursue One in 2010."

This is what Obama calls "meaningful"? Garrett reports that the agreement has no internal or external enforcement mechanism. . . . "Significantly" the commitment to pursue a legally binding pact in 2010 was dropped. Obama left Copenhagen before any sort of accord was approved due to the "massive" snowstorm that was forcast for D.C.

As with anything else involving Barack Obama, we need to keep an eye on the subtext--what does the agreement mean, how will it be implemented, will he be doing some fancy two-step end-around Congress to transfer wealth to "developing" countries by agreeing to some sort of global tax? We can never let down our guard with ObamaTeam.

And finally, in keeping with my Twelve Days of Copenhagen theme, I thought this video of the The 12 Days of Global Warming was a good sendoff. Thanks, Al.

Update. They must have felt they had to get something out of this conference, so the agreement they reached is being called--ta-da!--the Copenhagen Accord. This thing was drawn up on Friday night by leaders from the U.S., China, India, Brazil, and South Africa. It was formally accepted by the UN COP15 during a closing session on Saturday morning. Wow--strong language: "The conference of the parties takes note of the Copenhagen Accord," says a final decision.

A Euro spokesman told BBC News: "What could be agreed today, falls far below our expectations but it keeps our goals and ambitions alive. . . . It was the only deal available in Copenhagen."

Here's the financing commitment: the Copenhagen Accord says developed countries commit collectively to providing 30 billion U.S. dollars in new, additional funding for developing countries for the 2010-2012 period. It also says developed countries support "a goal of mobilizing jointly 100 billion dollars a year" by 2020 from a variety of forces." And who will oversee these funds? Does anyone remember the Oil for Food program that was supposed to be administered by the U.N.? That worked out so well.

As always, the American Thinker has some good clean-up stuff on the Copenhagen mess.

"I don't want to be a Norwegian," by Fernando R. Teson. I don't want the United States to become Norway; that is, I don't want the United States to turn into a quaint, small, powerless, and socialist country. Yet I suspect the Obama administration is trying to do precisely that.

I don't want to be Sweden, either. Take a gander at Malmo, Sweden, right across the water from Copenhagen.

"All you need to know about Copenhagen," by Randall Hoven. This is all about wealth transfer and sabotaging capitalism.

"Global warming and the 'settled science' baloney, by Claude Sandroff. If you've misspent your youth conducting experiments, taking graduate courses in physics and chemistry, and know something about thermodynamics, molecular spectroscopy, fluid mechanics, modeling data and publishing scientific papers, the current debate over anthropogenic global warming can make you hurl.

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