Sunday, May 09, 2010

Obama's Horrible, Terrible, No Good, Very Bad Week

Amateur hour at the White House continues: the Gulf oil spill disaster, the 500-year flood in Tennessee, the attack on Times Square. Let's also add Obama's abysmal, mocking "leadership" on the Arizona immigration law. If George W had ever had a week like the one The One had, the press would have drawn and quartered him. There's no doubt that Barack Obama is being largely sheltered by the lamestream press. I should be used to by now the hypocrisy of the press coverage for leftist vs. right politicians, particularly presidents, but I can't help but find the difference in the coverage of the two men insulting and disheartening.

It took Obama twelve days finally to visit the oil slick disaster zone. The New York Times reported that Obama's Homeland Security Sec'y Janet Napolitano wasn't aware that the Defense Department has equipment for dealing with oil slicks. Instead, Napalitano publicly chastized BP America for the way it handled the disaster. How vintage Obama: point fingers, assign blame elsewhere. Napolitano's agency waited the better part of a week before declaring the incident "a spill of national significance" (Good Lord, who writes her material?).

Then there's the most current domestic terrorism incident. Obama was just damned lucky that the Times Square bomber was inept. The Washington Times has posted a recent editorial: "Obama's good luck terrorism strategy." The editorial calls ObamaTeam "apparently obsessed" with downplaying the possibility that any Muslim could be a domestic terrorist: "It is the Obama team's perverse twist on racial and ethnic profiling.

Then there was the non-coverage in the lamestream media of the Tennessee flood. From someone writing at the Nashville Scene: "It was mind-boggling to flip by CNN, MSNBC, and FOX on Sunday afternoon and see not one station even occasionally bringing their viewers footage of the flood, news of our people dying." Obama, for his part, got in yet another round of golf. Has he even visited Tennessee? Not that I've heard.

God bless the people of Tennessee. As Senator Lamar Alexander (R-TN) said something like (and I'm paraphrasing): our people aren't whiners, they aren't sitting around with their hands out waiting for government help; they're rolling up their sleeves and working to fix their problems and helping each other. I had to paraphrase the quote because it doesn't show up anywhere on Google, but I heard him say it yesterday on Fox News, obviously a reference to the differences between the way the people in Tennnessee reacted to their flooding disaster vs. how poeple reacted during Katrina.

"A large portion of why we were being ignored was that we weren't doing anything to draw attention to ourselves. We were handling it on our own." Frankly, after this press fiasco, I never want to hear another whining word about Katrina again.

Ed Morrissey at Hot Air says this: watch for the White House to change the narrative with a "leak" about the next SCOTUS, coming on Friday night. Ed, you're absolutely prescient. What was the first question put to Eric Holder on Meet the Press this morning? "When will the White House announce their pick for the Supreme Court?" Best guess at this point is that the new SCOTUS nominee will be Solicitor General Elena Kagan. She's a 50-year-old career academic who has never served as a judge or argued a case in front of an appellate court. Sounds like the perfect pick coming from our Chief Executive faux academic community organizer who himself is without a lick of executive experience.

Update: The Nashville flood damage alone is estimated at 1.5 billion. How's that golf game, Barry?

Update #2. NBC is reporting that U.S. Solicitor General Elena Kagan will be nominated to serve on the Supreme Court. MSNBC is reporting that she would be "the fourth woman in history to serve as justice." (Yawn.) If she is confirmed, she is replacing Justice John Paul Stevens. Considering that Justice Stevens is 90 years old, and Kagan is 50 years old, then this woman could be around for a long, long time.

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